29 January 2016

Happier walls

Australian artist Clair Brenman creates the most beautiful, colourful, nature inspired art.  
She's from the Yarra Valley, where there is an abundance of natural inspiration... not to mention awesome wine and cheese!  I need a project to put one of these in...

Check out more of her work here, and let me know if you want some help incorporating one of her pieces in your home. 

28 January 2016

It's been a while...

Hi Everyone, we're back on the blog!  After a couple of years away from here we have returned to spend a little more time with you all.  Looking forward to showing you a few sneak peeks into our projects and a whole lot of inspiration and insight into interior design! 

Here is a photo of an entry way we completed a couple of weeks ago.  I just love that painting.  I have worked with these clients on two of their homes in the last 4 years, and I will be terribly sad when I have nothing more to select for them. 

To see more of our projects or more inspirational pics, head over to our Facebook page, Instagram or Pinterest boards.  And please have a look at our website for more information on our design services. 

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